Living Hope Church Camperdown is a community of faith filled believers committed to biblical truth with a mission to Loving God and Loving People both within the church and the broader community. We believe Jesus died and was risen for all people, giving those who believe in Him a new life and a new identity in Christ. We stand and celebrate Jesus our Living Hope as we build our community as God had always intended for His Glory.
We are one empowered faith community where everyone is included and committed to safety, biblical truth, and peace in Christ.
Community & Ministries
Food Pantry
Tuesdays 1:30pm - 4:30pm
You might be someone finding it challenging during this season or may have a friend of family member doing it tough. If so, come on over each Tuesday to grab anything you may need. There is a range of fresh produce and you can pick up a grocery bag full on pantry items.
Our Food Pantry is 100% FREE.
Join us every Sunday at 10am!
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